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Elon Musk Not Who You Want To Emulate, Writer Says

Elon Musk is the guy people often think about when the word “success” comes up, but a new piece at Inc from contributor Matthew Jones argues that the Tesla/SpaceX founder and serial entrepreneur isn’t someone you want to be emulating. In fact, Jones argues, the same is true of many of the top people in […]
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‘Eat That Frog’: The Best Productivity Advice You’ll Ever Hear

Ever hear the old saying that to be more productive, you have to “eat that frog”? This term originates from the legendary American author Mark Twain. His exact verbiage? “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning, and if it is your job to eat two […]
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Career Paths Of Today’s 25 Most Successful People

Which career paths are the best ones for you? The answer to that question will vary depending on whom you’re speaking to, but one bit of advice is universal. When looking for viable career paths, it never hurts to focus first on people who are already successful. When doing so, it is best to look […]
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49 Fourth Of July Reads To Get To Know Your Country Better

The Fourth of July is our nation’s birthday, and each year it reminds us of how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go. If you are in the mood to take an even-handed look at one of the most powerful countries in history, then we recommend you start by tackling a few […]
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10 Improvements The iPhone Has Made To Student Life

The iPhone has just turned 10 years old. As you’re reading this, it may be a day or two after, but the point is, it’s been in our lives for a decade, and it has changed a lot about the world. The most obvious impacts have been to the worlds of business and technology, but […]
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Paysa Reveals Where Top Tech Employees Went To School

Do you envision yourself as the next Mark Zuckerberg or working for a company like Google or Apple? If so, you may want to take note of a recent report from Entrepreneur magazine. While we tend to place many tech entrepreneurs on a pedestal as outliers that shunned the need for formal education in exchange […]
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Valedictorians: Truth About Life At The Head Of The Class

Entrepreneur Magazine recently ran an article on the success rates of valedictorians and salutatorians after high school. As many of you know, the coveted V and S positions mean you were No. 1 and No. 2 in your class, respectively. The tantalizing title of the article implied that valedictorians didn’t accomplish quite as much as […]
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Disruptive Leadership: Why It Matters To Today’s Student

Disruptive Leadership is a scary term for many. People don’t tend to like disruption. It forces them to drop the status quo and learn a new way of doing things. The preference runs contrary to the individual’s inner desires and interests. Because, at the end of the day, people want a better way to do […]
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Memorial Day Reading List: 12 Books To Check Out Now

Memorial Day is upon us. Before it gets away, it is time to remember the people who were, and are, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country regardless of any differences in opinion or upbringing. To give you a deeper insight as to what these men and women go through, we thought we’d put […]
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Postgraduate Cheatsheet For The Overwhelmed Student

Words a postgraduate or postgraduate-to-be needs to hear: “The only reform movement that matters is the one from within.” What do those words mean to you? For us, it’s pretty clear. To make substantial change in your life, you can’t look to grand, sweeping gestures. You simply have to put one foot in front of […]
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