Posts for General

Millennials, ‘The Problem with Your Generation Is This’

Fear not, millennials. This article is not what you think it is. You won’t find any judgment here. The headline is in quotes, and while admittedly a little click-bait, it’s a completely accurate depiction of what you’re about to read. A fed-up user on Reddit recently posed the question to your generation: what is the […]
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How to Sleep Better During the Summer Months

Many students mistakenly think they will sleep better during the summer months. It stands to reason. No longer having to attend school all day means more time to sleep in, right? Well, that can be a blessing and a curse. According to one 2016 report from Huffington Post, “Too much sleep on a regular basis […]
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The 7 Rules Every Student Should Know for Building an Online Footprint

Developing an online footprint is an escapable part of living in the 21st Century. If you hope to function in society, you’ve got to have a presence. Unfortunately, most people are doing it wrong, and the foul-up begins while they are still in school. In the following article, we’ll be discussing some of the rules […]
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LinkedIn Best Practices: 22 Tips To Start Your Career Right

LinkedIn is the place you need to be if you already aren’t on there. While superfluous social media sites like Facebook, SnapChat, and Twitter may have functions for selfie and TMI posting, LinkedIn has an actual purpose, and it’s one that could set you on the path to a profitable career as well as valuable […]
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Job Search Tips: Top 7 For 2018

Job search tips are like pizza. You can never have too much. Especially in the face of a changing marketplace where we are not even sure jobs will exist in about 50 years. (Oh, we know they will, but the landscape will look pretty different.) In the meantime, a persona has to eat, and the […]
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17 New Year Resolutions For Students In 2018

New Year Resolutions time, everyone! Every year around this time, the mind begins to consider all the things that are going right and wrong, and all the ways life could be made better. Students especially can take this time to reevaluate and hit the hard reboot. In that spirit, we have put together a list […]
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Winter Break Preparations: 10 Moves To Make Now

Winter break is a gift to each and every student who has worked hard (and maybe those who haven’t). It gives one a chance to recharge batteries and enjoy themselves before embarking on the challenges of the rest of the school year. But in order to make the most of your break, you really need […]
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The 21st Century Workplace: 7 Truths You Need To Know

The 21st Century workplace differs quite a bit from what your parents and grandparents grew up with. At one point, you got a job, showed up for a set amount of time, then returned home. (Rinse/repeat until payday.) In those days you could depend on a job once you had it. Now, not so much. […]
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Your Quarter Life Crisis: Tips For Overcoming It

Quarter life crisis sufferers are not alone. New research from LinkedIn and posted in full at this link found that “75 percent of 25-to-33-year-olds have experienced a quarter life crisis, defined as ‘a period of insecurity and doubt that many people in their mid-20s to early 30s go through surrounding their career, relationships, and finances.’” […]
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23 Bad Career Advice Tips

Bad career advice isn’t something you have to look too far to find. Everyone’s experience in the workforce is different, but they all think their lessons are the right lessons. It’s not that they’re being malicious. A lot of times they really feel as if they’re helping you out. By “they,” I’m meaning parents, siblings, […]
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