4Tests Blog

8 Reasons to Quit Social Media At Once, and 7 Reasons You Probably Shouldn’t

Quit Social Media Now?

Deep Work author Cal Newport recently gave a TEDx talk in which he posed the tantalizing prospect of a world without social media. In particular, Newport postulated that you should quit social media altogether. While that idea may have seemed radical five years ago, it isn’t as much today since users have had time to […]
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15 Career Readiness Questions Every Student Should Ask

Career readiness is a concept that every student should be planning for, whether they are in the latter stages of high school or the beginning of college. The world of today is a competitive one, and you cannot afford to wait before exploring your interests and passions and seeing how those explorations translate into a […]
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15 Ways to Fail Up

The ability to “fail up” is one of the most valuable business tools that you will ever experience, and it can serve you well in school. That’s because even the most successful people have way more failures in their lives than they ever do successes. As a student, you can learn to fail up by taking your mistakes seriously […]
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32 Pulitzer Prize Novels You Have To Read Before You Die

The Pulitzer Prize for fiction has been around since 1917. It awarded its first win to a novel the following year. Since that time, selections have influenced societies and made their impact in other media — i.e. stage, television and the silver screen. While you can wait for the movie if you want, we’ve put […]
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What is a Research University and how is it Different from Regular College?

When researching potential schools to apply to and attend, a prospective student may run into two terms they may be unfamiliar with, namely Research Universities and Private Colleges. When you are younger, college and university usually seem synonymous with any kind of higher education. However, it is important to learn the distinction between these two, […]
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The Method of Ioci: How the ‘Memory Palace’ Can Make You a Better Student

The Method of Ioci, or the “memory palace” technique, dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans and consists of creating a palace-like structure that, in each room, houses all the vital details that you hope to remember. This is a simple explanation, and a clear simplification of how you can put it to work […]
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25 Money Saving Tips for College Students

Every college student needs money saving tips when they get out on their own. After all, for many, this is the first time in their lives that they are faced with making major monetary decisions. Unfortunately, there is too much inconsistency in the public school system with regards to financial literacy. While we cannot teach […]
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Lessons in Frugality: Ideas to Make Freshman Year a Little Cheaper

Your freshman year is usually a time of excitement and self-discovery. You’re out on your own, making your own decisions, and testing your freedom. And if you’re like millions of other freshman, you’re also broke. Don’t let your financial situation get you down though, part of the fun of being a freshman is learning how […]
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27 Questions You Should Be Asking Your Senior Year of High School

Your senior year of high school is one of fun and excitement. You’re the big dog on campus, and virtually every other student in the lower grades looks up to you. But it is also a time of uncertainty and apprehension, particularly if you’re getting close to the end of it and not asking the […]
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Getting Your Feet under You: Tips to Adjust to College Life Quickly

Going off to college can be simultaneously frightening and exciting for new young adults who get to be off on their own for the first time. But it can be one of the most rewarding experiences in your life and you will want to take full advantage of what a college environment has to offer. […]
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