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Study for the ASVAB: Your Journey Begins Here!

If you need to study for the ASVAB, it is best to familiarize yourself with each of the nine sections. In this article, we help you understand it along with the basic concepts and scoring found within each one.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, or ASVAB, is a multiple-choice test that is used to determine eligibility for enlistment in the United States military. The test is composed of nine sections, each of which covers a different subject area.

In this article, we’ll be examining the basic principles within each section. These will help you better study for the ASVAB. Familiarizing yourself with these concepts will help you know which sections to give most of your attention to as you begin your preparation. Let’s begin!

General Science

On General Science, the test-taker’s knowledge of basic scientific concepts is measured. Questions on the General Science section range from easy to difficult, but most are middle-of-the-road in terms of difficulty. The section is timed, so it is important to work quickly and carefully. With a little practice, you should be able to complete the section within the allotted time.

Specific principles to watch for on the ASVAB General Science consist of :

  • An understanding of basic scientific concepts
  • The ability to apply those concepts to solve problems
  • The ability to communicate scientific information clearly
  • The ability to interpret data and draw conclusions from it
  • The ability to use scientific methods to solve problems
  • The ability to understand the relationships between different areas of science
  • The ability to understand the impact of science on society
  • The ability to use scientific information to make decisions about personal and public policy

Arithmetic Reasoning

The arithmetic reasoning section of the ASVAB is designed to test your ability to solve math problems. You will be presented with a variety of problem types, including word problems, math equations, and basic algebra.

The questions will become progressively more difficult as you work through the section. In order to succeed in this section, it is important to have strong math skills and be able to think critically.

The good news is that you are not timed on this section, so you can take your time and work through the problems at your own pace. With a little practice, you should be able to master the arithmetic reasoning section of the ASVAB.

Word Knowledge

The word knowledge section of the ASVAB will test your ability to understand and interpret the meaning of words. This includes both common words and technical terms.

You will be given a passage to read, and then you will be asked questions about the meaning of the words in the passage. In order to do well in this section, you will need to have a strong vocabulary.

You should also be familiar with common root words, prefixes, and suffixes. The word knowledge section is not a timed test, but you should still work quickly and efficiently in order to finish all of the questions. Remember, the more words you know, the better your chances of success on this section of the ASVAB.

Paragraph Comprehension

The Paragraph Comprehension section measures your ability to understand and interpret information presented in paragraph form. You will be given a short passage to read, and then you will be asked a series of questions about the information in the passage.

To do well on this section of the ASVAB, you will need to be able to read carefully and understand the main idea of the passage as well as specific details. Additionally, you will need to be able to draw inferences and conclusions from the information in the passage.

Auto and Shop Information

The auto and shop information section of the ASVAB is designed to test your knowledge of automobiles and shop tools. You will be asked a series of questions about different types of vehicles as well as different types of shop tools.

To do well in this section, you will need to have a strong understanding of how both automobiles and the names and functions of different parts of vehicles and shop tools. The auto and shop information section is important if you are interested in a career in the automotive or manufacturing industries.

Mathematics Knowledge

The mathematics knowledge subtest measures your ability to understand and apply mathematical concepts. The questions on the mathematics knowledge subtest are designed to assess your understanding of basic mathematical principles, such as arithmetic, geometry, and algebra.

You will also be asked to solve problems that require you to use your knowledge of math in practical ways. The mathematics knowledge subtest is timed, and you will have 35 minutes to answer 44 multiple-choice questions. Because the questions are multiple-choice, there is no penalty for guessing, so you should always select an answer even if you are unsure of the correct choice.

Electronics Information

The electronics information subtest measures your knowledge of electronic equipment and principles. The test consists of 16 questions that cover a variety of topics, including Ohm’s law, circuits, and semiconductors.

To prepare for the electronics information subtest, it is recommended that you review basic electrical principles and familiarize yourself with common electronic components. In addition, practice identifying circuit diagrams and completing simple circuit analysis problems.

Mechanical Comprehension

This subtest measures an individual’s ability to understand and apply concepts related to mechanical systems. The questions on the mechanical comprehension subtest are designed to assess an individual’s knowledge of basic principles of physics and mechanics.

The questions range from simple questions about force and motion to more complex questions about electrical circuits and hydraulics. Individuals who score well on the mechanical comprehension subtest are typically those who have a strong understanding of basic physics, engineering, or other technical disciplines. Those who do not score well on this subtest may still be able to do well on other sections of the ASVAB.

Assembling Objects

This subtest assesses your ability to visualize how objects fit together and to select the correct pieces to assemble a complete object. The assembling objects subtest consists of 16 questions, each of which shows an incomplete object.

You will be given four different options for each object and must select the option that correctly completes it. To answer these questions correctly, you will need to have a good understanding of how three-dimensional objects are put together. You will also need to be able to visualize the object from different angles, as some of the pieces may be rotated in the question. For this reason, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with common objects and practice assembling them from different angles before taking the ASVAB.

ASVAB Scores

In each section, your score is based on the number of questions you answer correctly. There is no penalty for guessing, so you should always select an answer even if you are unsure of the correct choice.

In addition to your score, you will be given a percentile rank that indicates how you compared with other test-takers. The percentile rank is important because it can help you understand where your strengths lie.

For example, if your score puts you in the 50th percentile, it means that you scored as well or better than 50% of the other test-takers. Likewise, if your percentile rank is in the 75th percentile, it means that you scored as well or better than 75% of the other test-takers.

Understanding the ASVAB Will Help You Perform Your Best

Now that you have a basic understanding of what each ASVAB section consists of and how it is scored, you are in a good position to perform your best. Remember that the ASVAB isn’t really a matter of pass/fail.

It’s there to gauge where your proficiencies are. This will give you a better idea of the path you should follow if you desire a career in the military. Good luck moving forward! And to start prepping, be sure to take our free ASVAB exam.

[Featured Image by Flickr Creative Commons License]

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's work appears regularly here at 4tests.com and across the web for sites, such as The Inquisitr and Life'd. A former high school teacher, his passion for education has only intensified since leaving the classroom. At 4tests, he hopes to continue passing along words of encouragement and study tips to ensure you leave school ready to face an ever-changing world.

Website: http://aricmitchell.blogspot.com/

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