Unless you come from money or have a trust fund, college is usually a time to scrimp and save. Luckily, you don’t have to eat ramen for every meal to save money. There are plenty of free online resources available for you to use through your college years, and beyond. Don’t forget to take advantage […] read more →
Did you know that at least 30% of Americans suffer from some form of test anxiety? Those of you who may be getting ready to take the SAT may take a little comfort from the fact that you’re not alone, and that people far older than you still find the high-pressure testing environment a struggle. […] read more →
1) Relax On the night before your exam, you know what you know and you don’t know what you don’t know. Many people feel cramming the night before we be productive; however, study after study shows that this is not the case. Rather, you should have already prepared for the exam prior to the night […] read more →
Words may not be your preference, but don’t think you can avoid them by going military. The ASVAB exam takes commitment to vocabulary very seriously. Communication is one of the most important factors in making the United States military the best in the world, and it is something you must be able to do effectively […] read more →
Memory becomes more important as you get older, whether you are studying for your first SAT exam or closing out your doctorate degree. In education, and life, it is essential. To make the most of yours you can’t simply allow it to stagnate. You have to use active techniques to build and strengthen memory so […] read more →
We’ve all been there. Those moments when the test you thought was on a Thursday is really a Friday. That period of time when you decided haphazardly that you didn’t need to study for the exam when you could watch the new episode of “New Girl” instead, and so you showed up for school the […] read more →
Inspiration is a necessity of life, and nowhere does this ring more true than when it comes to your studies. It is rare that a student wants to study—at least more than they want to watch a movie, hang out with friends, or play video games. But in today’s globally competitive marketplace, a quality […] read more →
Studying is a necessary part of earning a quality education, but as one takes on more responsibility—and harder classes—the importance of quality over quantity becomes ever more important. During such times, students can actually “think” they’re studying when actually they are engaging in behaviors that produce a negative effect on their performance. Read Our 9 […] read more →
Procrastination is a mental failing as old as time. Long before the iPhone, handheld video games, instant video streaming, and every other time waster you can think of, students have been finding ways to do everything in the world except what they should be doing. While some are guilty of this deadly study-sin more than […] read more →