Posts Tagged ‘procrastination’

Procrastination and the 20 Ways to Escape It

Procrastination is one of the toughest things for a student to overcome. So much of life is coming at you at a breathless pace, especially as you get older and head off to college. You are running your life—calling all the shots—for the first time in your existence, and that means you have to balance […]
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15 Tips For Beating Procrastination

Procrastination is the bane of many a school kid’s existence — from grade school to graduate school. It can certainly lead one down a dark road of bad grades and other failures. But there are ways that you can deal with the act of procrastination. Check out what these reddit users had to say, and […]
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Procrastination: 7 Positive Ways To Put Things Off

Procrastination is considered a four-letter word in the realms of education. It’s often tied to late nights of working on a research paper the night before it’s due (because you didn’t start it until then) or saving all your study time for the five-minute cram session before the bell. While it can certainly hinder your […]
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