Posts Tagged ‘study tips’

26 Study Tips You Can’t Afford To Ignore

Search “study tips” online for long enough, and you will run into a wealth of ideas from some of the greatest minds in education for how you can elevate your grades and test scores. Truthfully, if you spent all day searching, you could probably find 1,000-or-more techniques each with their own degree of validity. When […]
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Finding Time to Study for Working Students

Working students face many challenges. Making time to study can be difficult, and sometimes it can feel impossible. The best thing that a working student can do is to face their own challenges with a positive attitude and a vision of how getting their degree with enhance their future. Many decisions can be made to […]
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6 Thanksgiving Study Tips to Stay on Top

You’ve cruised through most of the semester, and now you’re desperately looking forward to some time off. It’s easy to get excited about sleeping in and pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce, but you also need to think about how you handle your routines and study tactics during the extended break. As anyone in the private […]
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Five Amazing Online Resources College Students Forget to Use

Unless you come from money or have a trust fund, college is usually a time to scrimp and save. Luckily, you don’t have to eat ramen for every meal to save money. There are plenty of free online resources available for you to use through your college years, and beyond. Don’t forget to take advantage […]
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9 Study Tips You Can Learn From Marathon Runners

Marathon training and study tips for a test or class are not that different when you get right down to it. The thought of running 26.2 miles in one continuous block of time or even in the same day might sound insane, but you can get there with the right amount of effort and the proper […]
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12 Study Tips To Improve Focus

Let’s face it. Studying isn’t exactly what we do for fun. It takes mental effort to keep your mind’s eye on the proverbial ball. Focus is of the utmost importance, and it’s one of the hardest things to come by, at least if you’re tackling a subject that doesn’t fuel your passion. (If you’re like […]
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Breaking Down the ACT

With all of the talk of test prep and college readiness, high school students often sign up for standardized entrance exams like the ACT and the SAT, but have no idea what either test truly entails. Let’s examine the ACT in more detail. The ACT has four required sections (English, math, science and reading) and […]
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5 Winter Break Study Tips Every Student Should Know

Are you getting ready for a great holiday break? While the time off is worth getting excited about, remember that your first job isn’t to be a lazy couch potato. If you are in college, it’s time to start thinking about your major as your job — that ticket to the career field that lies […]
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7 Study Tips For The Professional-In-Training

It is the job of school to prepare us for life. While there are many expectations placed on teachers and institutions to perform well, all too often there is a de-emphasis on the roles of the students themselves, and that’s counterproductive. Students have to step up if they hope to be successful in life. They […]
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6 Good Study Habits For Working Smarter, Not Harder

good study habits are key to success

The difference between good test-takers and bad test-takers often boils down to the good study habits and prep time that go in to the days before the exam. While some will attest the best thing one can do is listen in class and do your best every day of school, you can incorporate smarter study […]
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