Posts Tagged ‘university’

What is a Research University and how is it Different from Regular College?

When researching potential schools to apply to and attend, a prospective student may run into two terms they may be unfamiliar with, namely Research Universities and Private Colleges. When you are younger, college and university usually seem synonymous with any kind of higher education. However, it is important to learn the distinction between these two, […]
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Degree Programs to Get You through School in Just A Few Years

As four-year college prices have sky-rocketed over the past few years and students struggle to pay back student loans, those looking for a cheaper and quicker alternative should consider other options. Programs such as online degrees, flight school, and community college are all great alternatives. Students do not need to succumb to insurmountable debt just […]
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Enhancing Extracirriculars: Five College Classes Worth the Effort

As you attend college, you’re given a wealth of options to choose from for your class electives. There are a few courses that can help to define your college experience, while preparing you for working in the world. There are also certain courses you’ll have to take as part of your degree program and to […]
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