20 Perfect Career Ideas for Extroverts

There is literally no shortage of career ideas for extroverts out there, but some careers are better-suited for this personality type than others. In the following article, we’ll be discussing the 20 professions you absolutely must consider if you fall into this general personality type.
First, however, it’s important to understand whether you even are an extrovert. Before we get to the top career ideas for extroverts, we’ll be examining common attributes as well as some of the advantages of being an extrovert. Let’s begin!
What an Extrovert Looks Like
Extroverts and introverts can be any of us, and it’s true that some extroverts have introverted qualities and vice versa. However, when it comes to the outgoing among you, you tend to have three commonalities that turn up time and time again.
Derives Energy from Others
The interactions that you have with other people don’t just come easy to you. They actually energize you. Introverts, on the other hand, report feeling depleted after having to attend large gatherings. It’s not how they are, so it’s work to operate in such an extroverted environment. Not so for you, extroverts! You soak in the interactions.
Comfortable in Social Settings
Drop you into a room filled with people, and you will do just fine. Body temperature spikes, nervous ticks, sweating under the arms: you don’t have time to think about any of these things because you’re exactly where and who you want to be.
Does Not Require Much Downtime
Unlike the introvert, too much downtime can actually get you feeling antsy. You enjoy the interactions you have with other people. It’s not that you don’t have to occasionally step away for some solitude. It’s just that that type of behavior isn’t your natural personality.
Advantages of Being an Extrovert
There are advantages and disadvantages to every personality type, but extroverts have no shortage of qualities that can prepare them for the demands of the workforce. They also have a leg up when it comes to entrepreneurship. Here are some of the most common.
You Project More Confidence
Confidence can be faked whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert, so it’s important that you know your stuff. That said, once you DO know your stuff, you’re going to have an easier time convincing others of it if you have extroverted qualities. That’s because you won’t be constantly analyzing and living inside your head, so to speak. Just remember speaking clearly, eye contact, firm handshake, and a conversational tone.
You Find It Easier to Network
Networking does much good for your personal network, and it also helps those with whom you are employed. While Facebook and Twitter have made it easier for introverts to feel emboldened to network, it’s just not the same as a face-to-face relationship. The connections built on social media are often superficial in ways that just don’t cut it for the extrovert.
You Fit the Natural Design
Most companies are looking for people who will be good representatives of their company. People who exude enthusiasm and confidence in what they are doing. As an extrovert, it is simply easier for you to do this in a way that the public believes.
You Tend to Make More Money
There are a number of reasons why this is the case. For one, you exude more confidence even if you’re not as talented or skilled as an introvert. Also, you’re more likely to ask for what you want. And, last but not least, the very nature of your relationship-building abilities will put you up against more job opportunities before they become common knowledge.
And Find It Easier to Make and Keep Friendships
Extroverts never seem to struggle with making friends and holding onto those relationships. It’s not that introverts are incapable of the same, but it takes a lot more effort. They’re more likely to reevaluate the quality of their friendships instead of naturally working to strengthen those connections over time. Since most jobs are not earned through a job application, this quality is one that benefits extroverts in a major way.
Now that you know what an extrovert is and why it can be advantageous, let’s examine how we can get you paid! Here are the 20 career ideas for extroverts that you absolutely must consider when picking a major or looking for your next position.
1. Project Managers
Project managers benefit from the extrovert’s ability to communicate with a diverse group of people from vastly different backgrounds. Companies need project managers in virtually every industry, so the opportunities are limitless for the right extrovert. Going niche-specific instead of as a generalist is the best way to maximize pay.
To be effective as a project manager, you’ll also need to be technologically proficient and able to see the big picture and all the smaller steps to get there. Being able to communicate those details in multiple modes will help you stand out, as well as adhering rigidly to deadlines.
2. Nurses
Nurses don’t have to be extroverts to succeed, but it certainly helps to be able to relate to patients and set them at ease. As with other caregiving careers, though, the job can be somewhat stressful. And the ongoing shortages of nurses and doctors throughout the country can make it even more so.
That said, you can usually get above-the-median wages for your area along with signing bonuses and other incentives. It’s also relatively cheap to get started compared to other fields of education that require master’s degrees and Ph.Ds.
3. Sales Representatives
Great salespeople are assets at every workplace in the world. That’s because they have a direct impact on revenue, which is the life blood of any business. It takes a special talent to be able to survive in this line of work. Luckily, the qualities of the extrovert are directly compatible to the needs of the job.
You’ll need to identify pain points of your leads to be successful, and you’ll need to demonstrate how your product or service solves their problems. From there, let your inner extrovert kick in and reap the rewards!
4. Marriage or Family Therapists
Marriage or family therapists can have very rewarding careers helping people find their place in the world and work through issues that might otherwise tear relationships apart. They get to sit and listen and interact, qualities that extroverts are particularly great at exhibiting.
It’s not always pleasant, though. You will often be exposed to difficult issues, but it’s incredibly rewarding helping someone through a trial or tribulation. That said, make sure you’re ready for the schooling ahead. It often takes a Ph.D or degree equivalent to be able to get hired on anywhere. You also need to mind your mental health as it can get quite taxing being exposed at regular intervals to the worst secrets and issues that others are dealing with.
5. Trial Attorney
A trial attorney must be able to relate the facts of a case in a way that jurors and judges will understand. They must do so with confidence in both their arguments and their body language. Accomplished extroverts understand the performance aspects of what the courtroom demands, and they are in a better position to be able to convince others.
Becoming a trial attorney is not an easy road, and there are no guarantees for success. That said, extroverts have half the tough part done for them in what comes naturally. From there, they’ll also need to complete an undergraduate degree and law school (usually three years), as well as pass the LSAT and Bar Exams for the states in which they choose to practice.
6. Stylist
Stylists have to tap into extroverted qualities to put their clients at ease as they are entrusted with helping those clients look and feel their best. Extroversion helps in the moment, and it helps in the long-term helping them to build a repeat clientele. These personality traits also help with the business and marketing aspects.
7. Wedding or Event Planner
Wedding or event planners might have to interact with several people when putting together a major gathering. There are the caterers, the decorators, the venue owners, and the participants themselves. Price points can be high as people having a wedding tend to expect higher costs to be involved. The downside is that the work is largely seasonal.
That’s why you might want to consider expanding your services to other types of events throughout the year. If you do, realize that the level of interaction you have to do with other people could remain consistent and the learning curve for events you don’t often participate in might demand longer hours. Extroverts can keep their cool through this type of work and even feed off it.
8. Photographer
Photographers tend to work in a freelance capacity. They do head shots, wedding photos, senior pictures, boudoir photos, and a variety of other personal orders. They can also work for newspapers and magazines, but seldom are they paid as W-2 employees.
Photographers benefit from having more extroverted qualities because they have to do a lot of interaction with people. Firstly, they have to get customers. Next, they have to consult with their subjects, direct the shoots, and restart the cycle. What you can charge as a photographer will depend on the nature of the work you do, the location, and your availability.
9. Police Officer
Extroverts tend to have type A personalities. In simple terms, that means they’re very instinctive. They’re good at acting when there isn’t a lot of time to analyze the decision. Police Officers have to deal with this every day of their lives, and they’re under a great deal of scrutiny to get it right, even when a situation leaves them with no-win situations daily.
Introverts can become too analytical for this type of work, though they’re not necessarily a bad fit. However, the extroverted mindset takes easier to that “first one through the door” line of thought that makes for a reliable Police Officer. Pay could be better, but what it lacks, it usually makes up for with generous pension plans, at least compared to other professions.
10. Teacher
Teachers have to feel confident in their craft and knowledge. They have to be okay speaking in front of large groups. And if they want to love the job they’re doing, it really helps to be energized by the whole process. Introverts can make great teachers, but given the public speaking component and the fast-paced and responsive nature of the profession, it’s one that really lends itself to the extrovert’s mindset.
Teaching can be somewhat limiting in compensation and benefits, but that’s not why most teachers get into it any way. It’s really the love of shaping young minds and the charge that comes when you know you’ve connected and helped to ignite a spark in a student.
11. Financial Advisor
A common trait of extroverts is they have the ability to make the inaccessible accessible. Of course, financials are not inaccessible, but they are complex. A little more complex than most people are ready to take on. Financial advisors know how to approach this topic with the right mix of knowledge and personalized services. For extroverts, it’s an easier career fit once they’re able to secure the proper licenses.
12. Life Coach
Many people these days are at a crossroads. They don’t know where to go professionally, personally, or even intellectually. They need guidance, and they’re not getting it from bookshelves or television. They yearn for more hands-on help that will get them to the next plane of their lives.
That’s where an extrovert can really come in handy. People who are not afraid to talk, not afraid to listen, not afraid to help in any way that they can. Life coaching is a great way to start a business for yourself at a lower cost while helping others. It’s something you should totally consider if you have an entrepreneurial mindset and love people.
13. Human Resource Manager
Human resources managers or assistants have to interact with each employee in a clear and concise manner. They have to help people of varying educations and work backgrounds understand the complexities of employee benefits or responsibilities. Their world is entrenched in fine print, but they have to find a way to make that fine print accessible for their people.
Extroverts are great at this because they understand the impact of both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication. They are also more comfortable at using it in face-to-face situations, where an introvert might be more comfortable typing out responses and analyzing more of their response than an in-person meeting would allow.
14. Corporate or Government Communications
The larger a company or public agency is, the more contact it will need to have with the public. Simply controlling the flow of information is tough enough, but you’ve also got to worry about how your employees are communicating and that everything being put out there is in alignment with the approved messaging of the entity you represent.
It’s not always easy, but extroverts can handle the questions, comments, and concerns better than most. They’re excellent at thinking on their feet, communicating with confidence no matter what the channel, and leaving a good impression for their employer in the eyes of the public. When there is no painting a happy face onto a situation, they’re able to stay calm and conversational in a manner that positions the entity to handle the hard times.
15. Flight Attendant
Flight attendants must interact with hundreds of people each day, from the best to the worst of attitudes. They have to balance their tone between authority and customer service. They’re ensuring the safety of their passengers while being the sigilbearers of their employers.
You don’t have to be an extrovert to be an effective flight attendant. But the ones who are tend to stick out because they make their passengers feel welcome, get the safety points across in a direct and easy-to-understand way, and still manage to keep smiles on their faces flight after flight.
16. Recruiter
Recruiters work in a number of industries from IT and manufacturing to the military. They help industries in need get the workforce required to fill job gaps as older generations retire. Essentially, recruiters are the lifeline for an industry and keep it from slipping off into the abyss for another country or region to take over.
Recruiters must have great attitudes. They must know how to punch up the benefits of what they are recruiting for. They should believe in their products, services, and companies. Last but not least, they should be able to convey that excitement face-to-face with future candidates.
17. Physical Therapist
Physical therapy is a job that allows you to showcase your extrovert skills for a good cause. You get to help others, through knowledge of the body and the natural gift of encouragement. This can be an incredibly rewarding experience as people often find themselves in physical therapy because their lives have been limited in some way.
They can’t move or use the motor functions that most people take for granted. Giving these individuals back even a percentage of their quality-of-life will prove to be incredibly fulfilling in both the joy of watching them improve and the relationships that your encouragement and effort will form with these individuals along the way.
18. Hospitality Specialist
The hospitality industry needs outgoing people to help the industry stand out from the onslaught of competition from disrupters like AirBNB. It requires great attitudes and people with a deep knowledge of Place to help visitors and tourists get the most out of a location.
There are specialty programs that can help you get ahead in the hospitality services industry. One such program at Arkansas Tech University is nationally renowned, but there are several others out there. The great thing about these types of jobs is that they can come in handy whether you plan to work in the hotels and beverages industries or in some other location-specific category.
19. Waitstaff or Bartender
Waitstaff and bartenders who are extroverted and pleasant to their customers can reap the benefits in two primary ways. First, there is the matter of tip money. Many people use debit cards to pay for meals and drinks and (increasingly) for tipping. The latter still garners a lot of cash use, however. The great thing about cash is that you’re probably not going to pay taxes on it. (Yes, we know, technically you’re supposed to.)
The second way your extroversion can help you earn more is probably the biggest. That’s the fact business owners impressed by how you do your job and interact with customers will likely give you the hours you want. If you want those hours during key rushes and shifts, you can earn A LOT.
20. Content Creator
A content creator position can actually be great for extroverts and introverts. Extroverts have a slight edge with the rise of popularity in both audio and video. These forms of broadcast require someone in front of the mic or camera who’s comfortable speaking and being on display. Extroverts don’t struggle with this necessity the same way their introverted counterparts do.
Something to consider when creating content is this. The more accessible and simplistic you are in getting to the point, the broader appeal you will have. As pay goes, you can find as much or as little success as you want. You just have to create frequently and talk about things pertinent to the niche that you pick.
These Career Ideas for Extroverts Can Set You Up for Success
We hope this look at career ideas for extroverts will get you off on the right foot whether your extroversion comes naturally or you’re an introvert trying to expand your capabilities and tap into your inner extrovert more. Best of luck as you choose a major or ramp up your job search. And while you’re here, share some of your favorites in the comments section below.
[Featured Image by Flickr Creative Commons]