Finding inspiring quotes for dark times — and what gets darker than a global pandemic — can be a bit of a challenge. It’s hard to find the words to get you through day after day of quarantine with no clear direction of where we’ll all be in the next six months. But we’re going […] read more →
Limiting yourself is something you have to actively fight against as you crash up against the shores of life. No matter what comes your way, things will not work out as you expect. When that occurs, one of two things can happen. You can either buy into the myth that there is no advancement beyond […] read more →
Motivation tactics 1. A Single Goal at a Time Focusing on just one thing at a time keeps you moving forward and cuts down the probability of distractions arising. This is increasingly important to remember in our “multitasking” world. Multitasking, you should know, just means screwing up more than one thing at a time. When […] read more →
If you haven’t heard of Nintendo, then you’ve been living under a rock for the last 40 or 50 years. The single word is almost synonymous with the home console video game market. But there was a time when becoming a multibillion-dollar company was the last thing on Nintendo’s collective mind. In fact, there was […] read more →
There are many productivity pitfalls awaiting you during a quarantine, as we’re sure many of you are finding out. Knowing what these are will give you the knowledge of how to deal with and overcome them. We’ve isolated eight. Let’s get started! 1. Technology Technology is an ever-present presence in our daily lives, and it […] read more →
Managing anxiety can be a challenge as the responsibilities of life stack up. But it’s even worse when the comforts of life take a back seat to harsh and uncertain times like those brought on by the wrath of Coronavirus. In the following article, we’re going to be hitting on a lot of tips for […] read more →
The emphasis on self-care has picked up steam in recent years, but it’s never been more relevant than the present, here in the age of the novel Coronavirus pandemic. We are all facing an unprecedented situation, but students stand to lose out on milestones that they’ll never be able to get back. Think Junior/Senior Proms, […] read more →
Academic writing is a skill that every student will need to achieve some level of proficiency before they can excel in the real world. Being able to do it effectively puts you on the same plane as your peers and professional colleagues, and it helps you with a number of functions that we’re about to […] read more →
Taking constructive criticism can be hard to deal with, but do you really think it’s any easier for the people doling it out? Well, maybe for the particularly sadistic it is. But most of us live in a world where we like to be nice and preserve each other’s feelings. If this pertains to you […] read more →
Overworked students are as common on high school and college campuses as overworked workers are in the workforce. There are just too many obligations for hours in the day. Get used to it, they say! But what if we were to tell you you didn’t have to “get used to it”? What if we were […] read more →