Adopting beneficial reading strategies will help you in many ways beyond reading exams and English classes. Every profession needs great readers at the top of them. If you can hone and advance your reading skills, then you will go far in life. In this article, we’ll be discussing the 12 reading strategies you absolutely must […] read more →
The demand to keep up with reading isn’t always an easy one to meet. Unfortunately, it seems like your professors couldn’t care less about the trouble that you’re having. If so, they wouldn’t keep piling on reading assignment after reading assignment, would they? (And that’s in addition to everything else they make you do!) In […] read more →
It may not seem possible to make high school fun when you’re stuck in classes you have no interest in taking, but it’s important to play the long game when it comes to getting through. Remember that high school is but a brief part of your life. Sometimes you’re going to have to do things […] read more →
Moving off-campus might seem like a great idea, and it very well could be! But before you let the frustration of shared bathrooms and curfews get the better of you, you need to do the balancing act of pros and cons. In this article, we examine 12 special considerations you should be weighing. We give […] read more →
It’s tough to think of your dorm room as anything but a confining space where you can only be a fractional version of yourself. However, it also has a tremenous upside. For the first time in your life, you have a “place” that feels like it is truly your own. It’s also a location where […] read more →
Contrary to popular belief, dropping out of school is not the end of the world. That said, it’s not the best action either, and it will come with its fair share of repercussions or consequences. (Of course, we’re mostly speaking to college students here. If you’re in high school, you really need to think twice, […] read more →
Study benefits to being lazy? What in the heck are these crazy people trying to sell us? Haven’t they said our whole lives that the early bird gets the worm, hard work breeds success, and all that? Yes, “they” have, whoever “they” are. We’re different, though. We actually see the value to your grades and […] read more →
Understanding the difference between healthy and disruptive digital behaviors is important if you want to live a productive and happy life. We’re of the belief that many people who engage in some of the harmful behaviors we’re about to cover don’t necessarily mean to. And that’s what makes these things so dangerous. They can slip […] read more →
Have you ever asked or been asked the question, “Do grades matter?” These usually come from students who feel that teachers don’t properly evaluate and assess their performance on subjective test scores or homework. It’s true that some teachers can slough off the grading process. They treat those low-point homework assignments like glorified attendance slips. […] read more →
Learning how to read more is a useful skill that will make you smarter and feeling more fulfilled. To make the most of it, though, you need to gauge where you currently are in your reading habits. Are you the type of person who wants to read more but always puts it on the back-burner? […] read more →