Inspiration is a necessity of life, and nowhere does this ring more true than when it comes to your studies. It is rare that a student wants to study—at least more than they want to watch a movie, hang out with friends, or play video games. But in today’s globally competitive marketplace, a quality […] read more →
Great study habits are not simply confined to the human brain. There are other outside tools that can help maximize learning potential and get those synapses firing. One such tool is the flash card—something so simple, yet so effective. As long as you stick with these 12 Practical Academic Uses for Flash Cards, you will never […] read more →
Studying is a necessary part of earning a quality education, but as one takes on more responsibility—and harder classes—the importance of quality over quantity becomes ever more important. During such times, students can actually “think” they’re studying when actually they are engaging in behaviors that produce a negative effect on their performance. Read Our 9 […] read more →
Every journalist knows that each story he writes will only be as good as the sources that he uses. That’s why many choose conducting interviews with primary sources as a method of professional survival. You can learn something from these pros and the interview process. With these 8 Useful Study Habits Learned from Conducting Interviews, […] read more →
Procrastination is a mental failing as old as time. Long before the iPhone, handheld video games, instant video streaming, and every other time waster you can think of, students have been finding ways to do everything in the world except what they should be doing. While some are guilty of this deadly study-sin more than […] read more →