Social media is an everyday part of life for millions of people across the world, young and old alike. But considering it has barely existed for over a decade, it’s a little early to be calling it a staple of modern life. That may seem hard to believe, particularly if you are a student who […] read more →
Social media has definitely changed the way we live and act, and not always for the better. For starters, each network — Facebook, SnapChat, Twitter, etc. — has a seemingly infinite supply of distractions. While it’s okay to go down those rabbit holes every once and a while, they are addictive by nature, and you […] read more →
The use of social media has risen to, some would say, epidemic proportions. It has taken over our lives, enabled us to make bad decisions, and become a liability in the job search. While this may not be true for you personally, you have to admit there are many people, even in your own friends […] read more →