Posts Tagged ‘ACT Exam’

Breaking Down the ACT

With all of the talk of test prep and college readiness, high school students often sign up for standardized entrance exams like the ACT and the SAT, but have no idea what either test truly entails. Let’s examine the ACT in more detail. The ACT has four required sections (English, math, science and reading) and […]
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SAT and ACT Week: The Ultimate Mind and Body Prep Ritual

Tutoring students for the SAT an ACT isn’t just a random assortment of meetings – it’s a process. Do yourself the world’s biggest favor and follow these 7 steps to better your SAT and ACT scores.

What Angry Birds Can Teach You about Acing the ACT

angry bird learning

The ACT Exam may be one of the first (and best) impressions that you leave for the colleges and universities of your choosing. Landing a great score can also earn you some much-needed financial assistance to reduce the burden or the need for college loan debt. But preparing for the exam can be quite a […]
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Why Fewer Colleges Require the SAT or ACT and Why You Should Still Send Them

girl in library

So you’re a bad test-taker, or you at least think you are. The idea of walking into a quiet-as-death room and filling in dark ovals for the next 4 hours terrifies you. First thing: you’re probably overthinking it, and if you’d just settle down, read the questions, and remember your training, things will work out […]
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5 Steps to Success on the ACT English Exam

act exam

The English portion of the ACT exam comes easy for some and is very difficult for others. If you don’t like to read or write, then chances are you’ll fall in to the latter camp. Don’t worry. You can still perform above the average (currently 20.6). And the good news is that “college readiness” levels are factored […]
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ACT vs SAT: Which Should You Take and Why

scantron test

The American College Testing (ACT) and SAT exams have long set the standard for college readiness for secondary students across the country. At some point the forward thinking high school student will have to decide which test is the best course of action. The important thing to remember when reaching that decision is that one test really […]
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What Your ACT Scores Mean to Higher Education

ACT Test

The standards set forth from American College Testing (ACT) still play a key role in your academic future, at least in the eyes of many colleges and universities across the country. While you may understand some of the importance of these numbers from your perspective, higher education takes a longer term approach to what your […]
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