Unless you come from money or have a trust fund, college is usually a time to scrimp and save. Luckily, you don’t have to eat ramen for every meal to save money. There are plenty of free online resources available for you to use through your college years, and beyond. Don’t forget to take advantage […] read more →
The difference between good test-takers and bad test-takers often boils down to the good study habits and prep time that go in to the days before the exam. While some will attest the best thing one can do is listen in class and do your best every day of school, you can incorporate smarter study […] read more →
Did you know that at least 30% of Americans suffer from some form of test anxiety? Those of you who may be getting ready to take the SAT may take a little comfort from the fact that you’re not alone, and that people far older than you still find the high-pressure testing environment a struggle. […] read more →
The ACT Exam may be one of the first (and best) impressions that you leave for the colleges and universities of your choosing. Landing a great score can also earn you some much-needed financial assistance to reduce the burden or the need for college loan debt. But preparing for the exam can be quite a […] read more →
The group environment is an educational setting that you will have to experience at some point in your “learning career,” and it will likely start very early. It doesn’t matter whether you enjoy the group dynamic or not, there are times when it is unavoidable. And when you consider the advantages that it brings to […] read more →
If you’re looking to earn a Master of Accountancy, MBA, or Master of Finance, then get ready to cozy up with the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). This is one of the more challenging tests out there because it is an adaptive test. In other words, it adjusts to your level of proficiency so that […] read more →
1) Relax On the night before your exam, you know what you know and you don’t know what you don’t know. Many people feel cramming the night before we be productive; however, study after study shows that this is not the case. Rather, you should have already prepared for the exam prior to the night […] read more →
Are you worried about the way that a future employer might perceive you for earning your GED instead of following the traditional path toward graduation? If so, don’t be. Obtaining your General Education Development diploma says a lot more positive about you than it ever could negative. Here are some takeaways that most employers will […] read more →
So you’re a bad test-taker, or you at least think you are. The idea of walking into a quiet-as-death room and filling in dark ovals for the next 4 hours terrifies you. First thing: you’re probably overthinking it, and if you’d just settle down, read the questions, and remember your training, things will work out […] read more →
It may not seem like today, in a world of texting shorthand such as “u for you,” “ur for your,” and “WTF for,” well–you get the picture–that spelling doesn’t matter anymore. Yes if you believe that, then just try to write a novel using this lazy man’s English and watch the rejection letters roll in. […] read more →