With little guidance, most money moves for college students end up being the wrong ones. It’s easy to see why. There are no mandated financial literacy courses in high school. When you arrive at college, you’re inundated with a sea of credit card applications promising low initial APRs and guaranteed approval. The promise of buy […] read more →
Every college student needs money saving tips when they get out on their own. After all, for many, this is the first time in their lives that they are faced with making major monetary decisions. Unfortunately, there is too much inconsistency in the public school system with regards to financial literacy. While we cannot teach […] read more →
Since student loans can quickly get out of control, you need all the help you can get. Money saving college tips will come in handy no matter which stage of the journey you’re in, freshman to senior year, and we’ve compiled 10 of our favorites to get you through to graduation, with help from the […] read more →