Wrestling with the future can be scary especially when you start to realize that it’s coming up quickly on you. (Juniors and seniors in high school or college probably know what that’s all about!) Often you will revisit the old question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” The less clue you […] read more →
College students today are starting school earlier and choosing more alternative programs to complement their education. With a competitive job market and fluctuating economy it can be hard to find and secure a career, or even a job! Below introduces three excellent programs that will enrich students in both personal and academic areas and put […] read more →
Students — particularly high school students — are better versed in the world of social media than perhaps any other demographic. It is a fluid part of their every day lives. But social media also comes with a dark side — a side that can impair one’s ability to get a good job or reach […] read more →
It’s no secret around here that we’re big fans of Cal Newport and his thoughts on study hacking. One particular area where yours truly has always felt a kinship with Newport is in calling out this horrible advice that people often give you throughout school: follow your passion. According to Newport, that’s a prescription for […] read more →
In the upcoming book Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, study hacker Cal Newport gives an insightful prescription for finding success in the 21st Century. “One of the most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare,” he says. “If you master this skill, you’ll achieve extraordinary results.” “Deep work,” […] read more →
You’ve cruised through most of the semester, and now you’re desperately looking forward to some time off. It’s easy to get excited about sleeping in and pumpkin pie and cranberry sauce, but you also need to think about how you handle your routines and study tactics during the extended break. As anyone in the private […] read more →
Finding the right college is a tough choice, and it’s never too early to think about it. There are a variety of factors that play into the selection. Your challenge is to look at each one and determine the criteria that are most important to your situation. To help you do just that, we’ve put […] read more →
Boys versus girls. The “competition” starts in early grade school and continues until they start learning to like one another. But a recent article from the Washington Post has highlighted a disturbing trend for male students that could place them squarely behind their female counterparts in the world of the 21st Century. Contributor Rick Noack […] read more →
Graphic novels have started to earn respect among critics, but their widespread adoption as “acceptable literature” in schools still has some way to go. Mostly it’s about overcoming the “funny book/superhero” stigma that has followed them around for the better part of a century. Fortunately, the work itself has already overcome said stigma. Now it’s […] read more →
Wendy Bradshaw is a now-former special education teacher in Willow Oak, Florida, who had enough. She decided to take a stand at the growing uniformity and lack of innovation in public education and voiced all those frustrations in a letter — which she later turned in to a Facebook post — that struck a chord […] read more →