Posts for College Admission

How to Know If You Should Put College on Hold

Put college on hold

A question that every high school junior or senior asks themselves at some point in their academic journey is whether to put college on hold. Students are different, and they do not always operate on the same time tables. Some know early on what they want to do after high school and some do not.

What is a Research University and how is it Different from Regular College?

When researching potential schools to apply to and attend, a prospective student may run into two terms they may be unfamiliar with, namely Research Universities and Private Colleges. When you are younger, college and university usually seem synonymous with any kind of higher education. However, it is important to learn the distinction between these two, […]
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Lessons in Frugality: Ideas to Make Freshman Year a Little Cheaper

Your freshman year is usually a time of excitement and self-discovery. You’re out on your own, making your own decisions, and testing your freedom. And if you’re like millions of other freshman, you’re also broke. Don’t let your financial situation get you down though, part of the fun of being a freshman is learning how […]
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Six College Degrees that Can Get You a Job Abroad

With the right degree, you have the amazing opportunity to work in a position overseas. There are many areas of expertise to explore, but like any degree, they require hard work and dedication. Use these ideas to make your traveling dream job a reality. Teach English Abroad with a Bachelor’s Degree English teachers can teach in […]
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Degree Programs to Get You through School in Just A Few Years

As four-year college prices have sky-rocketed over the past few years and students struggle to pay back student loans, those looking for a cheaper and quicker alternative should consider other options. Programs such as online degrees, flight school, and community college are all great alternatives. Students do not need to succumb to insurmountable debt just […]
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Enhancing Extracirriculars: Five College Classes Worth the Effort

As you attend college, you’re given a wealth of options to choose from for your class electives. There are a few courses that can help to define your college experience, while preparing you for working in the world. There are also certain courses you’ll have to take as part of your degree program and to […]
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What You’ll Need for Switching from the Dorms to Your Own Place

Living in an off-campus apartment might not seem that different from living in the school dorms, but the most notable difference is the amount of things provided for you at school that won’t be elsewhere. To make your move from the dorm to your own place as smooth as possible, make sure you’re aware of […]
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Pick the Right Community College in 9 Easy Steps

community college

How to pick the right community college is not something many students think about when first setting their sites on postsecondary education, but it should be. There are many benefits to enrolling at a community college even though it may feel like you’re holding yourself back at first. This, of course, couldn’t be further from […]
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College for Cheap: How to Reduce Your Expenses This Year

Attending college isn’t cheap, but it’s definitely a necessary investment in today’s modern world. With so many different educational expenses to cover on top of the day-to-day ones, balancing student life and your personal life can be extremely stressful. While it’s common to be a starving student as you pursue a Bachelor’s in criminology or […]
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College Close to Home: What are Your Options for Staying Local?

As high school graduation nears, you may find yourself slightly less than eager to embrace your impending adult life. The thought of taking on new responsibilities while away at college without your parents by your side can be rather galling. Rather than wander far from home, you can ease yourself into adulthood and college life by […]
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