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What is a Research University and how is it Different from Regular College?

When researching potential schools to apply to and attend, a prospective student may run into two terms they may be unfamiliar with, namely Research Universities and Private Colleges. When you are younger, college and university usually seem synonymous with any kind of higher education. However, it is important to learn the distinction between these two, […]
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Lessons in Frugality: Ideas to Make Freshman Year a Little Cheaper

Your freshman year is usually a time of excitement and self-discovery. You’re out on your own, making your own decisions, and testing your freedom. And if you’re like millions of other freshman, you’re also broke. Don’t let your financial situation get you down though, part of the fun of being a freshman is learning how […]
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Getting Your Feet under You: Tips to Adjust to College Life Quickly

Going off to college can be simultaneously frightening and exciting for new young adults who get to be off on their own for the first time. But it can be one of the most rewarding experiences in your life and you will want to take full advantage of what a college environment has to offer. […]
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Six College Degrees that Can Get You a Job Abroad

With the right degree, you have the amazing opportunity to work in a position overseas. There are many areas of expertise to explore, but like any degree, they require hard work and dedication. Use these ideas to make your traveling dream job a reality. Teach English Abroad with a Bachelor’s Degree English teachers can teach in […]
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Student-Saving Tips: What to do in a Laptop Emergency

As a busy college student you know your laptop is your storage device for practically every project you turn in and if anything goes wrong with it, you might be doomed. There are many to go about handling a laptop emergency. These strategies include backing up your hard drive, knowing your resources ahead of time, […]
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Degree Programs to Get You through School in Just A Few Years

As four-year college prices have sky-rocketed over the past few years and students struggle to pay back student loans, those looking for a cheaper and quicker alternative should consider other options. Programs such as online degrees, flight school, and community college are all great alternatives. Students do not need to succumb to insurmountable debt just […]
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Seven Cheap Beauty Tips to Ditch the Starving College Student Look

Maintaining a good beauty regimen during your busy college years can be very difficult. College is expensive, exhaustive, and time consuming, especially for those who are working a day job while attending class. While many people prefer spending hours in front of the mirror in order to get beautified, college students often don’t have the […]
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10 Study Tips to Make This Semester a Success

Getting the energy and motivation to study can be a challenge for any student, whether you consistently get straight A’s, or if your grades could use a little work. Knowing how to study smart is the key to making your sessions more productive and efficient. Use these tips to help make your next study session […]
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Six Student Savings you shouldn’t Miss Your Freshman Year

Saving Tips for Students

Whether you plan on paying for college yourself or applying for financial aid, students can take many different measures to save money. Students can save money on food, transportation, and entertainment by budgeting their money wisely. Discover these tips to learn how you can get the most of your money during your college years. Apply […]
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Enhancing Extracirriculars: Five College Classes Worth the Effort

As you attend college, you’re given a wealth of options to choose from for your class electives. There are a few courses that can help to define your college experience, while preparing you for working in the world. There are also certain courses you’ll have to take as part of your degree program and to […]
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